понедельник, 14 ноября 2016 г.

Lost Kids - Bla Bla (1980)

Bla Bla is the first longplayer by the Danish Lost Kids from Copenhagen. Founded by Jan Jet 1978 after a trip to Britain. Danish cover versions of first generation punk songs were frequent in the early repertoire, which were revitalized by Jan Jets fresh word-games. With Sods the most famous band from this small Scandinavian country. After two 7inches, Fodt Som Nul and Cola Freaks, the record was released via Medley Records and is with seventeen songs perfectly loaded. What I particularly like is this record has a great variety, female/male singing, short punk goodies, reggae and a little pop stuff and the singalong factor is enormously high. The use of many instruments is positive as well and garnished here and there with decent short guitar solos.


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