пятница, 21 ноября 2014 г.

Basement 5 - 1965-1980 LP (1980) + Silicon Chip 7''

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A band who were inextricably linked to the early punk days. Comprised of: -

Dennis Morris - Vocals (Sex Pistols photographer)
Leo Williams - Bass (Roxy club barman)
J.R. - Guitar
Richard Dudanski - Drums (ex 101'ers and PIL)

Managed by Don Letts, they existed for a short time and left far too few recordings behind. I've coupled their first 7'', first album and their Peel session together in this zip. They're not punk, but I defy anyone not to like the 1965-1980 album. After they split some members went on to form Urban Shakedown, who I remember seeing on a channel 4 telly programme in the early 80's. Another band worth checking out.


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