суббота, 17 июня 2017 г.

The Raincoats - 1983-Moving

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Album number three, 1984’s Moving, proved to be the band’s downfall. More specifically, democracy was the band’s undoing. We often hear tales of domineering personalities destroying bands, but the Raincoats discovered the corollary to that problem. Birch said (again, to Unterberger), “We really endeavored to be incredibly democratic, which meant that as we grew apart, or as our influences grew more and more diverse, that we ended up not really knowing how to censor ourselves.”

Not that Moving is without some fantastic moments. “No One’s Little Girl” pops up occasionally on post-punk and new wave anthologies, and rightfully so. It’s as good as anything the band ever recorded.


1 комментарий:

  1. I think this is the best Raincoats album, every song is great. Unfortunately, the CD is mutilated, with three songs cut, with no explanation. (You have the CD version -- the song that you cite as great, "No One's Little Girl", was not on the original album, in fact.)
