Few bands have influenced me like KSMB from Skärholmen, a suburb South of Stockholm. As I kid some older boys played it at school and it was the first hard music I ever heard. One of the boys had a stud-jacket with the text (translated) “Don’t beleive you can escape death by stop living”, which comes from the insert of this record. A record that blew me away. I got a copy quickly and it’s one of the few records I actually have worn out. Worn out, not by being damaged at some party – just worn out after being played a lot. Here in Sweden Ebba Grön common punk knowledge and the second most known band is for sure KSMB. I will not spend any time on comparison however.
The embryo of the band could be found as early as 1977 with 14! members but the line-up on this LP (recorded in late 1979) was Alonzo (vox), Steppan (vox), Johnnny Sylvan (guitar), Mats Nilsson (bass) and Johan Johansson (drums). The name is an acronym for Kurt-Sunes with Bertits a joke with all the strange dance-music bands that toured in Sweden at the same time. KSMB played at a lot of youth centers which could be found all over Sweden. This record is their debut album (they appeared on a compilation with Incent Brothers and Travlota Kids before this. A single for this record was also released). It an awesome record and having two singers was quite unusual. They did not define themself as a punk band, rather saying they played vrålrock (translation scream-rock). With the speedy song, spot on lyrics and incredible energy I would (I know many might disagree) say they were a kind of proto-hardcore band.
There are 15 songs on this release and if it did not happen to be some crappy slow songs (Ett ben / Bara Ett Minne / Pf) I would give this record 11 points out of maximum 10 point but I have to rate it 10 due to this. The record starts with the opening track Tidens Tempo with the introduction lyrics (translated) “Why to you think think we sound as we do – why do you think we do what we do” and KSMB just hammer you with great songs. On the third track Adolf you can hear how both vocalist complementing each other. Awesome. Another cool thing is that the band played at the prison “Hall” on x-mas in 1980 which I think honor them.
I don’t know how many presses that was done of this record. The first press however have 3-panel fold-out lyric insert (pictured) and yellow labels. For any fans of Scandi punk this record is for sure a must have. That’s valid for fans of the first wave of hardcore.