The Child Molesters are the epitome of avant-garde punk genius. If you don't own this album (which I'm sure you don't), you are a weakling. Snake-eyed Donkey, Fish-eyed Snake will change your life. There are freedoms in this life that only the Molesters have taken advantage of. This will inspire you, if you have any taste at all. (Jon Penoyar)
If you haven't yet heard The Child Molesters, the sound bridges genres. Most of the songs are garage pop, very catchy but with a substantial edge of rawness; a few others capture the sound of California surf accurately; others have an experimental energy - the band was a scion of the admired Los Angeles Free Music Society, and the band has not sacrificed an iota of their freshness or originality. "Pray for Surf" is easily the record's highlight - an instant classic that combines the band's unique and demented personalty. (Pseudonym)
The Child Molesters – Arguably the very worst band name? Initially formed in 1977, Los Angeles, United States and active up until 1982, during which time they released half a dozen singles and EP’s including ‘Surfing With The Child Molesters’ before in 1994 leaving us with ‘The Legendary Brown Album’ (Sympathy for the Record Industry) the cover of which is a parody of The Beatles ‘White Album’. (Phil Newall)